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�ִ�������� 0, Vol. Issue () :1-6    DOI:
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blind tunnel, ventilation, blasting fume, CO prediction
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Abstract�� In the underground metal mines, monitoring and predicting the emission of toxic gas in blasting fume is very important to protect the safety of workers and improve production efficiency. Experiments were carried out to monitor the variation of blasting fume concentration in a blind tunnel with forced ventilation. The results showed that in the diffusion process of CO in blasting fume, there is a strong linear relationship between the maximum concentration of measured tunnel section and the theoretical initial concentration of blasting fume throwing zone. These results can provide reference for predicting time required for tunnel to reach a security CO concentration after blast and choosing the sensors for monitoring hardware system.


���߼��: ���߼�飺������1974��10�£����У���ʿ����ʦ�� רҵ�������̼�⣬ zhangger@foxmail.com��
����, ����, �ͺ��� .��ͷ���������ɢ�����ɼ�Ũ��Ԥ��ģ��ʵ���о�[J]  �ִ��������, 0,V(): 1-6
Zhang-Ge, CAO Yang, JI Hong-Guang etc .blind tunnel, ventilation, blasting fume, CO prediction[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 0,V(): 1-6
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