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现代隧道技术 2015, Vol. 52 Issue (4) :24-31    DOI:
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On Water Burst Patterns in Underwater Tunnels
Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing Jiaotong University
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摘要 突水是越江跨海隧道修建过程中面临的主要安全风险,是区域地质条件、水文条件与施工扰动综合作用的结果,其发生需要具备水源和导水通道两方面的条件,且受不良地质的影响显著。文章通过对国内外典型隧道突水事故的研究分析,将越江跨海隧道的突水模式归纳为水力劈裂型突水、渗透型突水、界面张开型突水和整体破坏型突水四种模式,并指出了与每种突水模式相适应的地质条件和水文条件。基于该项研究,根据地质勘探获得的地质资料和水文资料对南京纬三路越江隧道工程进行工前突水预测。通过在施工中对突水风险位置采取相应的防治措施,全线没有发生突水灾害。
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关键词越江跨海隧道    地质条件    水文条件    突水模式     
Abstract: Water bursts, the result of the combined effects of regional geological conditions, hydrological conditions and construction disturbances, are the main risk during construction of underwater tunnels. Their occurrence is based on the source and channel of the water and is affected significantly by unfavorable geology. In this paper, typical water-burst cases both at home and abroad are analyzed, and four patterns for water burst are concluded: a hydraulic fracture pattern, a seepage failure pattern, an interface opening pattern and a rock failure pattern. Corresponding geological and hydrological conditions are presented as well. Using the Nanjing Weisan Road river-crossing tunnel as an example and utilizing the acquired geological and hydrological information, a water burst prediction is carried out and relevant measures are taken accordingly, thus preventing a water-burst disaster during tunnel construction.
KeywordsUnderwater tunnels ,   Geological conditions ,   Hydrological conditons ,   Water burst patterns     

交通运输部科技项目(2013 318 Q03 030)

作者简介: 李新宇(1990-),女,博士研究生,主要从事隧道及地下工程方面的研究工作, E-mail: lixinyumail@163.com
.越江跨海隧道突水模式研究[J]  现代隧道技术, 2015,V52(4): 24-31
.On Water Burst Patterns in Underwater Tunnels[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2015,V52(4): 24-31
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