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现代隧道技术 2012, Vol. 49 Issue (3) :131-137    DOI:
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New Construction Method for Tunnels in Weak Surrounding Rock: Controlled Deformation with Core Soil Reinforcement
Beijing China Railway Ruiwei Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd
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摘要          2006年我国铁路系统相关施工单位开始接触变形控制法隧道施工技术,经过长达5年的基础理论学习研究与准备,在铁道部和兰渝铁路公司的支持下,2011年由中铁瑞威公司和意大利土力公司联合在兰渝铁路桃树坪隧道进行了中国首次隧道核心土加固变形控制法应用试验研究,并取得成功。文章通过工程实践,对桃树坪隧道的工程概况、地质问题、施工工艺、施工设备及核心土加固控制变形技术的应用效果作了较详细介绍。
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关键词变形控制法     软岩隧道     水平旋喷桩     超前预加固     
Abstract: By the joint efforts of the Beijing China Railway Ruiwei Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd., and SOILMEC in Italy with the support of the Ministry of Railways and Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway Company, the experimental study of controlled deformation with core soil reinforcement was applied for the first time in China on the Taoshuping Tunnel on the Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway with great success. This paper gives a detailed introduction to aspects of the project profile, geological conditions, construction technology, construction equipment, and the effects of the application of controlled deformation with core soil reinforcement.
作者简介: 作者简介: 彭 峰(1982-),男,工程师,主要从事隧道施工的相关工作, E-mail:13910129625@163.com
.软弱围岩隧道修建新方法——核心土加固变形控制法[J]  现代隧道技术, 2012,V49(3): 131-137
.New Construction Method for Tunnels in Weak Surrounding Rock: Controlled Deformation with Core Soil Reinforcement[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2012,V49(3): 131-137
http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/      或     http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/Y2012/V49/I3/131
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