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现代隧道技术 2021, Vol. 58 Issue (6) :11-20    DOI:
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(1中交路桥建设有限公司,北京 100027;2河海大学地球科学与工程学院,南京 211100;3南京大学地球科学与工程学院,南京 210046;4南京水联天下海水淡化技术研究院,南京 210046)
Review of Researches on Groundwater Seepage Induced Crystallization and Blockage Mechanism and Scale Inhibition Technology in the Tunnel Drainage System in Karst Areas
(1 Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd., Beijing 100027; 2 School of Earth Science and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100; 3 School of Earth Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046; 4 Nanjing Aqua-world Institute of Seawater Desalination Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210046)
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摘要 岩溶地区隧道中存在大量的地下水渗流结晶堵塞排水管道的现象,导致隧道排水不畅,侵蚀隧道衬砌,破坏支护结构,造成隧道变形、涌水、塌方等工程事故。因此,需研究岩溶排水系统地下水渗流结晶堵塞机理,为岩溶隧道地质灾害早期识别与安全评价提供保障。文章在调研大量文献的基础上,综合分析了国内外学者围绕可溶岩化学溶蚀-结晶机理的研究成果,同时基于自主建立的隧道排水管结晶堵塞理想数值模型,分析了排水管结晶堵塞过程及其影响因素,探讨了可能的阻垢工程措施。得到以下认识:(1)影响岩溶隧道结晶堵塞的微观因素包括CO2分压、pH值、温度、应力场、水动力、Ca2+浓度等,低温、低浓度、低流速、酸性环境及低CO2分压的环境,有利于减少隧道结晶沉淀量;(2)当前岩溶隧道排水管道结晶堵塞定量化研究薄弱,经验公式和经典理论未能考虑水动力-化学反应耦合结晶过程。根据这一科学问题的研究现状,下一步应着重开展大尺寸室内结晶试验研究,建立模型试验系统真实模拟实际隧道地下水渗流结晶堵塞过程,并建立管道水动力条件下的岩溶结晶过程数值模型,以期实现场地尺度下隧道堵塞过程的定量刻画与精准防控。
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Abstract: In karst areas, groundwater seepage induced crystallization and blockage in the tunnel drainage pipe may result in poor tunnel drainage, erosion of tunnel lining, destruction of support structure, tunnel deformation, water gushing, collapse and other engineering accidents. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanism of groundwater seepage induced crystallization and blockage in the drainage system in karst tunnels to provide guarantee for early identification and safety evaluation of geological disasters in karst tunnels. Based on the investigation of a large number of literatures, this paper comprehensively analyzes the research results of domestic and foreign scholars in terms of chemical dissolution-crystallization mechanism of soluble rocks. Meanwhile, based on the self-established ideal numerical model of crystallization and blockage in the tunnel drainage pipe, the crystallization-blockage process of the drainage pipe and its influencing factors are analyzed to probe into possible scale inhibition measures. Fi? nally, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) micro factors affecting the crystallization and blockage in karst tunnels include CO2 partial pressure, pH value, temperature, stress field, hydrodynamic force and Ca2+ concentration,etc. and under conditions of the low temperature, low concentration, low flow rate, acidic environment and low CO2 partial pressure it is conducive to reducing crystallization precipitation in the tunnel; (2) at present, the quantitative research on crystallization and blockage of the drainage pipe in karst tunnels is weak, and the hydrodynamics-chemical reaction coupled crystallization process is not considered in the empirical formulae and classical theories. According to the research status of this scientific problem, it is required in the following to focus on the large-scale indoor crystallization test research, establish a model test system to truly simulate the actual groundwater seepage induced crystallization and blockage process in tunnels, and develop a numerical model of karst crystallization process in the drainage pipe under hydrodynamic conditions, so as to realize the quantitative characterization and accurate prevention and control of tunnel drainage pipe blockage process under the site scale.
KeywordsHighway tunnel,   Drainage system,   Crystallization and blockage,   Theoretical analysis,   Numerical calcu? lation     
基金资助:基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2019YFC1804304, 2019YFC1805302);河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(B200202014).
作者简介: 作者简介:卢冠楠(1969-),男,正高级工程师,主要从事路桥施工及管理工作,E-mail:lgn1969@163.com. 通讯作者:杨 蕴(1985-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事地下水反应性溶质运移模拟工作,E-mail:yy_hhu@hhu.edu.cn.
.岩溶区隧道排水系统地下水渗流结晶堵塞机理及阻垢技术研究综述[J]  现代隧道技术, 2021,V58(6): 11-20
.Review of Researches on Groundwater Seepage Induced Crystallization and Blockage Mechanism and Scale Inhibition Technology in the Tunnel Drainage System in Karst Areas[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2021,V58(6): 11-20
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