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现代隧道技术 2015, Vol. 52 Issue (4) :15-23    DOI:
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1 中交隧道工程局有限公司 2 中交第二航务工程局有限公司技术中心
Key Construction Technology for the Nanjing Weisan Road River-Crossing Tunnel Project
1 CCCC Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd 2 Technical Center of CCCC Second Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd
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摘要 南京纬三路过江通道工程是目前已(在)建的地质条件最复杂、工程技术难度最高、挑战性最大的大直径泥水盾构工程之一,其成功穿越了浅覆土地层、上软下硬地层,实现了氦氧饱和气体带压进舱、盾构直接穿越风井等高难度作业。文章针对该工程特点和施工难点,通过对工程中关键技术的分析和研究,总结了浅覆土地段盾构的安全可靠理念和适用于泥质粉砂岩上软下硬地层的掘进原则,系统地形成了一套完整可靠的超大直径泥水盾构始发技术、饱和带压进舱更换刀具技术,对超大直径泥水盾构施工技术的发展具有重要的参考价值。
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关键词水下隧道    大直径泥水盾构    关键技术     
Abstract: The Nanjing Weisan Road river-crossing tunnel has some of the most complex geological conditions and engineering technical difficulties of any existing and under-construction large-diameter slurry shield tunnels. During the construction process, the large-diameter slurry shield machine has successfully passed hrough shallow ground as well as soft upper and hard lower mixed ground, and has directly passed under the ventilation shaft. Furthermore, hyperbaric chamber intervention technology with a saturated helium-oxygen mixed gas was successfully introduced for this project. In this paper, the key construction technologies used in this project are studied regarding engineering characteristics and construction difficulties; the safety concept and excavation principles for the shallow ground, soft upper and hard lowe rmixed ground are proposed; and a complete set of safe, reliable technology for extra-large diameter slurry shield launching and saturated hyperbaric chamber intervention is summarized, providing a significant reference for the development of extra-large diameter slurry shield-driven tunnel technology.
KeywordsUnderwater tunnel ,   Large-diameter slurry shield ,   Key technology     

交通部建设科技项目(2013 318 Q03 030)

作者简介: 姚占虎(1977-),男,高级工程师,主要从事盾构法隧道施工技术与管理工作, E-mail: 379358063@qq.com
.南京纬三路过江通道工程关键施工技术[J]  现代隧道技术, 2015,V52(4): 15-23
.Key Construction Technology for the Nanjing Weisan Road River-Crossing Tunnel Project[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2015,V52(4): 15-23
http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/      或     http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/Y2015/V52/I4/15
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