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现代隧道技术 2015, Vol. 52 Issue (4) :1-6    DOI:
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General Design and Key Technologies of the Nanjing Weisan Road River-Crossing Tunnel Project
CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co. Ltd
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摘要 文章基于南京纬三路过江通道工程实例,针对超大直径、超高水压、复杂地质与环境条件、高岩石强度掘进、高精度施工控制等特点和难点,介绍了其总体设计方案与关键技术。通过对隧道平面、纵断面、横断面及土建结构等设计进行综合分析,再结合对勘察设计关键技术问题的研究,对设计方案进行了优化,使项目总体功能和施工运营的安全性达到最优,对于提高我国大型公路水下盾构隧道建设水平具有重要借鉴意义。
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关键词过江通道 大直径盾构隧道    总体设计 关键技术     
Abstract: The general design proposal and key technologies of the Nanjing Weisan Road river-crossing tunnel project are introduced with respect to the engineering characteristics and difficulties encountered, such as a very large diameter, ultra-high water pressure, complex geological and environmental conditions, driving in high strength rocks, high-precision construction control and so on. By synthetically analyzing the original design options of the tunnel plane, longitudinal profile, cross-section and civil structures and studying the key technologies for survey and design, the optimized final design option is proposed so that the overall function and safety of construction and operation can be best achieved. This paper is a significant reference for improving the construction of large-scale highway underwater shield tunnels.
KeywordsRiver-crossing tunnel ,   Large-diameter shield tunnel ,   General design ,   Key technologies     

交通部建设科技项目(2013 318 Q03 030)

作者简介: 拓勇飞(1976-),男,教授级高级工程师,主要从事隧道与地下工程方面的设计和研究工作, E-mail: tuoyongfei@163.com
.南京纬三路过江通道总体设计与关键技术[J]  现代隧道技术, 2015,V52(4): 1-6
.General Design and Key Technologies of the Nanjing Weisan Road River-Crossing Tunnel Project[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2015,V52(4): 1-6
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