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现代隧道技术 2022, Vol. 59 Issue (4) :90-99    DOI:
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(1.中国矿业大学(北京)煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室,北京 100083;2.中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083)
Identification Method for Cracks in Tunnel Linings Based on Improved Chain Code Tracking Algorithm
(1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083;2. College of Earth Science and Mapping Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083)
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摘要 地铁隧道衬砌表观裂缝病害直接威胁地铁隧道的安全运营。当前衬砌裂缝检测大多采用基于图像处理的裂缝检测技术,因图像数据量大以及地铁隧道复杂多变的内部环境,裂缝检测的效率和精度均难以满足实际需求。针对上述情况,对基于改进链码追踪算法的隧道衬砌裂缝识别方法开展研究。首先对线阵相机获取的隧道衬砌表观图像进行预处理;然后将识别出的裂缝转化成链码序列,进而提出一种改进的链码追踪算法,可快速提取裂 缝边界特殊点并对剔除掉伪拐点和多余拐点;最后基于裂缝骨架树型结构模型提出一种裂缝骨架长度算法和裂缝宽度算法,并对链码追踪结果进行误差分析。现场探测实验结果表明,在确保裂缝形状不变情况下,采用改进的链码边界追踪算法追踪的裂缝边界像素点数可降低82%,裂缝长度和宽度误差控制在4%和7%以内,可为隧道衬砌裂缝病害快速检测和隧道安全运营提供技术支撑。
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许献磊 1 郑浩翔 2 刘昱昊 2
关键词地铁隧道   衬砌裂缝   线阵相机   特征识别   链码追踪     
Abstract: Apparent cracks in subway tunnel linings would pose direct threats to the safe operation of subway tun? nels. Most current detection techniques for lining cracks are based on image processing, and the detection efficiency and accuracy can hardly meet practical needs due to the large amount of image data to be processed and the complex internal environment of subway tunnels. In view of the above situation, a study has been conducted on the identification method for cracks in tunnel linings based on improved chain code tracking algorithm. Firstly, the apparent images of tunnel lining, obtained by the linear array camera, were processed in advance. Then, the identified cracks were converted into chain code sequences, before an improved chain code tracking algorithm was put forward which could quickly extract the special points in the crack boundaries and eliminate pseudo-inflection points and redundant inflection points. Lastly, based on the tree structure model of crack skeleton, algorithms for crack skeleton length and crack width, were proposed and an error analysis was carried out for the chain code tracking results. The results of field detection experiments show that the number of pixel points of the crack boundaries tracked by the improved tracking algorithm of chain code boundaries can be reduced by 82%, with the errors of crack length and width controlled within 4% and 7% respectively, under the premise that the crack shape remains unchanged. Therefore, this method can provide technical support for the rapid detection of cracks in tunnel linings and the safe operation of tunnels.
KeywordsSubway tunnel,   Lining crack,   Linear array camera,   Feature identification,   Chain code tracking     
基金资助:北京市科技计划项目(Z201100004520019);国家自然科学基金项目(52174155);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金联合资助 (2021JCCXMT01).
作者简介: 许献磊(1982-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事地球探测与信息技术方面的研究工作,E-mail:xuxl@cumtb.edu.cn.
许献磊 1 郑浩翔 2 刘昱昊 2 .基于改进链码追踪算法的隧道衬砌裂缝识别方法[J]  现代隧道技术, 2022,V59(4): 90-99
XU Xianlei1 ZHENG Haoxiang2 LIU Yuhao2 .Identification Method for Cracks in Tunnel Linings Based on Improved Chain Code Tracking Algorithm[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2022,V59(4): 90-99
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