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现代隧道技术 2012, Vol. 49 Issue (5) :15-22    DOI:
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Application of TBMs in the Construction of Urban Rail Transit
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd.
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摘要         岩石地层城市轨道交通工程采用钻爆法施工存在施工扰民及影响环境等诸多问题。文章针对城市轨道交通特点,并结合重庆六号线及青岛地铁二号线的设计及施工情况,从线路平、纵断面控制条件及线路埋深、TBM过站、TBM选型、支护结构及运输方式等方面进行了研究,并对采用TBM工法存在的风险进行了分析。分析结果表明,岩石地层城市轨道交通采用TBM工法是可行的,风险是可控的,施工是安全的;单护盾TBM机型应该是城市轨道采用的主要机型,支护结构应以管片衬砌为主,过站应尽可能采用平移过站形式。
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关键词TBM   城市轨道交通   TBM过站   TBM选型   支护结构   风险分析     
Abstract: The drill and blast method is not a good option for the construction of urban rail transit systems considering its disturbance to residents and environmental impact. Considering the characteristics of urban rail transit and the design and construction of Chongqing Metro Line 6 and Qingdao Metro Line 2, a full study was carried out regarding the control condition of horizontal and vertical sections, overburden depth, TBM passing through station, TBM selection, support structure, and transportation mode as well as risks related to TBM construction. The results showed that: it is possible for urban rail transit to utilize the TBM method with controllable risks; a single-shield TBM should be the main machine used for the urban rail transit construction; segments should be the primary lining; and translation should be taken as far as possible when the TBM passes the station.
作者简介: 刘小刚(1974-),男,工学学士,高级工程师,主要从事隧道及地下工程的勘测、设计及研究工作,Email: tsxgliu@163.com
.TBM在岩石城市轨道交通建设中的应用研究[J]  现代隧道技术, 2012,V49(5): 15-22
.Application of TBMs in the Construction of Urban Rail Transit[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2012,V49(5): 15-22
http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/      或     http://www.xdsdjs.com/CN/Y2012/V49/I5/15
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