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�ִ�������� 2017, Vol. 54 Issue (2) :170-176    DOI:
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��1����ʯ�ͻ���ѧԺ��е����ѧԺ�� ���� 102617�� 2 ����������ѧ����ѧԺ�� ���� 100029��
Experimental Study on Slurry Separation by Disc Centrifuge
(1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617; 2 School of Mechanic and Electric Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029)
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Abstract�� With the development of urban rail transit in recent years, slurry shield technology has been widely used. To improve the efficiency of slurry separation, the water cycle utilization rate is increased and wastewater is reduced. A slurry separation test is conducted by a disc centrifuge, which has many discs to reduce the sedimentation height and increase the sedimentation area. At first, a separation test of a mixed liquid of water, clay and fine sand is carried out to analyze the turbidity and removal rate of the mixed liquid before and after separation, then a separation of the mixed liquid composed of the shield slurry, clay and fine sand is performed to analyze the turbidity and granularity of the mixture before and after the separation, and the stability of the mixed liquid is tested before and after adding the shield slurry. The results show that the disc centrifuge is very effective for the slurry separation and works well in respect to particles with a grain size of 40 μm to 60 μm; the average removal rate is above 90% and the separation effect is proportional to time; and after separation by disc centrifuge, the material stability is en? hanced and the turbidity is decreased, and the median size D50 is decreased significantly. The research results pro? vide a theoretical and practical foundation for higher efficiency of slurry separation.
Keywords�� Disc centrifuge,   Shield,   Slurry,   Turbidity,   Granularity,   Stability     

������Ŀ�� ������Ȼ��ѧ������Ŀ ��51104022���� �����иߵ�ѧУ����μ��˲������ƻ���Ŀ ��PXM2014_014222_000065�� .

���߼��: ���߼�飺 �ܴ��(1973-)�� Ů�� ��ʿ�� �����ڣ� ��Ҫ���·����������豸���о��� E-mail�� zhoucuihong@bipt.edu.cn.
.��ʽ���Ļ�Ӧ������ˮ����������о�[J]  �ִ��������, 2017,V54(2): 170-176
.Experimental Study on Slurry Separation by Disc Centrifuge[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2017,V54(2): 170-176
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