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MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY 2012, Vol. 49 Issue (4) :104-110    DOI:
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Analysis of the Horizontal Stratum Stability and Construction Techniques for the Meilingguan Tunnel
No.2 Engineering Company of China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co., Ltd
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Abstract Horizontal stratum, which is frequently encountered in the construction of underground works, possesses the mechanical property of anisotropy and has very complex characteristics of deformation failure. To prevent damage to the jack arch such as separation layer failure at the crown and crown bending and heaving, which are likely to occur during the construction of a large-span tunnel passing through hotizontal stratum, a reasonable support scheme should be estabilished. Based on the site investigation, practice, and analysis of geological features and factors affecting the stability of surrounding rock of the Meilingguan Tunnel on the Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway, corresponding technical measures are addressed.
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Abstract: Horizontal stratum, which is frequently encountered in the construction of underground works, possesses the mechanical property of anisotropy and has very complex characteristics of deformation failure. To prevent damage to the jack arch such as separation layer failure at the crown and crown bending and heaving, which are likely to occur during the construction of a large-span tunnel passing through hotizontal stratum, a reasonable support scheme should be estabilished. Based on the site investigation, practice, and analysis of geological features and factors affecting the stability of surrounding rock of the Meilingguan Tunnel on the Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway, corresponding technical measures are addressed.
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.Analysis of the Horizontal Stratum Stability and Construction Techniques for the Meilingguan Tunnel[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2012,V49(4): 104-110
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