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现代隧道技术 2022, Vol. 59 Issue (3) :1-9    DOI:
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(中铁西南科学研究院有限公司,成都 611731)
A Critical Reflection on Innovation Themes of Conventional Tunnelling
(China Railway Southwest Research Institute Co., Ltd., Chengdu 611731)
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摘要 地质体的复杂多变,结构物的隐蔽性,工程对自然环境的扰动使矿山法隧道工程具有一般土建工程难以比拟的特异性,围绕安全、优质和环保对此进行议论并不是“老生常谈”。针对这三个主题,探讨以下几个问题:(1)现场监控量测技术的薄弱环节——数据判识和信息反馈;(2)隧道工程品质的要害——支护体系的整合性;(3)从环境友好出发,更新地下水处治理念。
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关键词矿山法   隧道工程   安全   优质   环保   创新     
Abstract: The complexity and uncertainty of the geological body, the concealment of the structure, and the distur? bance in natural environment caused by tunnelling make the tunnel project built by conventional tunnelling very special compared to common types of construction projects. So, it is still necessary to discuss the safety risk, quality and environmental friendliness of the conventional tunnelling. In respect of the three themes mentioned above, this paper aims to address the following problems: (1) Data interpretation and information feedback in in-situ monitoring process is not yet successful. (2) The integration of the support system is the key issue concerning the tunnelling quality. (3) An innovative concept of tunnel waterproofing needs to be put forth for environmental friendliness.
KeywordsMined Method,   Tunnelling,   Safety,   High-quality,   Environment Protection,   Invovation     
作者简介: 王建宇(1940-),男,研究员,主要从事隧道工程围岩稳定性分析和支护技术研究工作,E-mail:wjyda@139.com.
王建宇 .对矿山法隧道工程创新主题的思考[J]  现代隧道技术, 2022,V59(3): 1-9
WANG Jianyu .A Critical Reflection on Innovation Themes of Conventional Tunnelling[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2022,V59(3): 1-9
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