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现代隧道技术 2020, Vol. 57 Issue (6) :171-176    DOI:
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(1中交一公局集团有限公司,北京100024;2 北京交通大学,北京100044;3 地下工程建设预报预警北京市重点实验室,北京100037)
Comprehensive Geological Prediction of Dongtianshan Tunnel Entrance Passing through the Fault and Intensely Weathered Water-rich Zone
(1 CCCC First Highway Engineering Group Co. Ltd.,Beijing 100024;2 Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044;3 Beijing Key Laboratory of Underground Engineering Construction Prediction and Pre-warning,Beijing 100037)
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摘要 东天山隧道进口段工程地质与水文地质条件极为复杂,隧道依次穿越粉质粘土盖层、F1全新统活动地震断层及富水强风化凝灰质砂岩。由于粉质粘土隔水盖层、局部F1断层阻水以及天山终年积雪融水补给使得强风化凝灰质砂岩形成了大范围的蓄水构造,导致隧道进口段施工面临巨大的风险和挑战。基于此,文章采用地质-物探-钻探相结合的综合地质预报方法,配合现场涌水量调查法,通过一系列技术手段,理清了断层与承压风化裂隙水的空间关系及成因,预测了隧道开挖的涌水量,避免了隧道穿越强风化富水带的施工风险,确保了隧道施工安全。
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薛 君 1 张城瑞 1 叶子剑 2 叶 英 3
Abstract: The engineering geology and hydrogeological conditions of the entrance section of Dongtianshan tunnel are extremely complicated. The tunnel passes through the silty clay cover layer, the holocene active seismic fault F1 and the highly weathered water-rich tuff sandstone successively. Due to water-sealing of the silty clay cover layer,local water resistance at the F1 fault and water supply from the melted permafrost snow of Mount Tianshan, the highly weathered tuff sandstone has formed a wide range of water storage structure, leading to great risks and challenges in the construction of left and right entrance sections of the tunnel. In this paper, a comprehensive geological prediction method combining geological record-geophysical exploration-drilling is adopted, the spatial relationship and genesis of the fault and confined weathered fissure water are clarified, as well as the water inflow during tunnel excavation is predicted combined with field water inflow survey and a series of technical means, which ensures safe and smooth construction of the tunnel.
KeywordsDongtianshan Tunnel,   Active fault,   Weathered fissure water,   Geological prediction     
作者简介: 作者简介:薛 君(1983-),男,高级工程师,主要从事交通土建工程研究工作,E-mail:309687870@qq.com.
薛 君 1 张城瑞 1 叶子剑 2 叶 英 3 .东天山隧道进口段断层及强风化富水带综合地质预报[J]  现代隧道技术, 2020,V57(6): 171-176
XUE Jun1 ZHANG Chengrui1 YE Zijian2 YE Ying3 .Comprehensive Geological Prediction of Dongtianshan Tunnel Entrance Passing through the Fault and Intensely Weathered Water-rich Zone[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2020,V57(6): 171-176
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