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现代隧道技术 2012, Vol. 49 Issue (2) :21-27    DOI:
施工管理 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 << [an error occurred while processing this directive] | [an error occurred while processing this directive] >>
(1深圳市市政工程总公司技术中心,深圳 518000; 2深圳市水务规划设计院,深圳 518000)
Shield Construction Risks and Quality Control Measures for Lot 2222 of the Shenzhen Metro Line 2
(1 Shenzhen Municipal Engineering Corp., Shenzhen 518000;
2 Shenzhen Water Resources Planning & Design Institute, Shenzhen 518000)
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摘要  深圳地铁2号线东延线2222标侨香站—香蜜站区间、香蜜站—香梅北站区间采用盾构法施工,施工中克服了全断面硬岩地层、上软下硬地层、下穿建筑物、空推段施工等技术难题,于2010年9月10日实现了全线贯通。文章针对本标段内两个盾构区间隧道施工风险及质量控制的重点和难点,从工程施工管理上提出了具体的控制要求,并介绍了本标段盾构施工风险控制达到的效果。
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关键词    盾构法隧道     风险控制     质量控制     施工工艺    掘进参数     
Abstract: Shield technology was adopted for the construction of the tunnel section connecting the Qiaoxiang, Xiangmi, and North Xiangmei Stations of Lot 2222. Completed on September 10, 2010, this project required overcoming the difficulties of hard rock, rock consisting of a soft upper stratum and hard lower stratum, the under-passing of existing buildings, and passing a mined tunnel during its construction. Focused on the key points of construction risks and quality control, this paper presents the concrete requirements for the two running tunnels in this lot in terms of construction management as well as the results achieved.
KeywordsShield tunnel,   Risk management,   Quality control,   Construction technology,   Driving parameters     
出版日期: 2012-02-16
作者简介: 作者简介: 邓 彬(1981-),男,硕士,工程师,从事隧道围岩岩土工程施工管理工作,E-mail:sanshengai@126.com
邓彬1, 顾小芳2 .浅谈深圳地铁2222标盾构法施工风险及质量控制措施[J]  现代隧道技术, 2012,V49(2): 21-27
DENG Bin-1, GU Xiao-Fang-2 .Shield Construction Risks and Quality Control Measures for Lot 2222 of the Shenzhen Metro Line 2[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2012,V49(2): 21-27
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