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现代隧道技术 2019, Vol. 56 Issue (4) :8-15    DOI:
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(上海隧道工程股份有限公司,上海 200032)
On Driving Strategy of the Shield Machine with Atmospheric Cutterhead in Mudstone Strata
(Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200032)
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摘要 泥岩地层盾构施工面临着掘进效率低、刀具磨损快等诸多严峻挑战。虽然常压刀盘换刀技术提高了盾构刀具更换效率,避免了高压条件下刀具更换的风险,但不可避免地带来了更加严重的刀盘泥饼淤结问题,加速了刀具的磨损。文章依托武汉三阳路过江隧道工程,对施工期间的技术难点与针对性对策进行研究,通过对现场的监测数据进行参数化分析,总结评价刀具配置优化、中心冲刷系统改制、化学除泥饼等方法对提高盾构掘进效率的作用。研究表明,采用提出的针对性优化方法,可以有效提高隧道掘进效率,降低换刀频率,减少停机风险。
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周文波 吴惠明 赵 峻
Abstract: Shield tunnelling in mudstone strata confronts severe challenges like low advancing efficiency and high cutter wear rate. Cutter replacing under atmospheric pressure improves the efficiency of cutter replacement and evades the risk of cutter replacement under high pressure, but this inevitably brings about a more serious problem of cutterhead clogging caused by mud cake which accelerates the cutter wearing progress. Based on the river-crossing tunnel at Sanyang road of Wuhan city, it studied the encountered technical problems and corresponding countermea?sures during tunnelling, summarized and evaluated the effect of optimization of cutting tool configuration, reform of central flushing system and mud cake removing by chemical way on improving efficiency of shield driving by a parametric analysis on the monitoring data at site. The results show that the method mentioned in this paper can effectively improve the efficiency of tunnel driving, reduce the frequency of cutter replacement and the risks of shield downtime
KeywordsSuper-large diameter shield,   Cutterhead in atmospheric pressure,   Mudstone stratum,   Driving strategy,   Cutter replacement technique,   Cutter wear,   Mud cake removing by chemical solution     
作者简介: 作者简介:周文波(1964-),男,博士,教授级高级工程师,主要从事地下工程力学问题、隧道施工工艺及工法、隧道工程信息化和智能化管理、城市基础设施智慧运营养护等方面的研究工作,E-mail: 365368722@qq.com.
周文波 吴惠明 赵 峻 .泥岩地层常压刀盘盾构的掘进策略与分析[J]  现代隧道技术, 2019,V56(4): 8-15
ZHOU Wenbo WU Huiming ZHAO Jun .On Driving Strategy of the Shield Machine with Atmospheric Cutterhead in Mudstone Strata[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2019,V56(4): 8-15
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