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现代隧道技术 2019, Vol. 56 Issue (5) :50-57    DOI:
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(1 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津 300354;2中铁十九局集团有限公司, 北京,100176)
Design Optimization for the Rapid Excavation of Inclined Shaft of the Long Tunnel and Construction Period Estimation
(1 State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300354;2 China Railway 19th Bureau Group Co., Ltd,Beijing 100176)
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摘要 文章结合敖包梁隧道施工实践,论述了开工前进行斜井方案优化的必要性。面对工期紧和围岩类别低的情况,从设计线路、断面尺寸、装碴设备、支护结构四个方面合理地对1#和3#斜井设计方案进行优化。优化内容包括:由单车道改为双车道,解决了斜井运输会车问题;采用钢纤维混凝土单层衬砌取代钢筋挂网和二次模筑衬砌,I18型钢优化为150格栅钢架,降低了双车道开挖及支护结构的投资成本;韧度试验测试结果说明钢纤维喷射混凝土(40 kg/m3)支护性能远高于网喷混凝土,节省了支护施工时间;设计线路的调整均衡了正洞主攻、副攻方向长度,加快了副攻方向施工进度;1台电动液压履带式扒碴机装碴+5台15 m3自卸汽车出碴的作业方案提高了装碴的工作效率,减少了施工机械及车辆尾气的排放。斜井优化后较原方案节省5.5个月完成正洞开挖任务,降低敖包梁隧道人工费1 500万元,在降低施工成本的同时加快了施工进度,保证隧道工期目标实现。
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赵立财 1
2 余建星 1
Abstract: Based on the construction of the Aobaoliang Tunnel, this paper discussed the necessity of scheme opti? mization of inclined shaft before construction. In light of tight construction and low grade of surrounding rocks, the design schemes for the No. 1 and No. 3 inclined shaft were optimized from the following four aspects of designed alignment, section dimension, mucking equipment and support structure, e.g. 1) the single lane was changed to two lanes to solve the problem of vehicle passing in inclined shaft; 2) reinforcement mesh and cast-in place concrete lining were replaced by single-layer steel fiber reinforced concrete lining, and type I18 profile steel was optimized for type 150 lattice girder, so the cost of two-lane excavation and support structure was reduced. The results of toughness test show that the supporting performance of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete (40 kg/m3) is much better than that of reinforcement mesh, so the shotcrete and construction time is shortened. Due to the alignment adjustment, the lengths of main and auxiliary bore were balanced and the construction progress in auxiliary bore was speeded up. The mucking efficiency was improved and the gas emissions were decreased attributed to the design consisting of one electric hydraulic excavator and five dump trucks. Finally the construction period of main tunnel was shortened by 5.5 months and the labor cost of the Aobaoliang tunnel was reduced by RMB ¥15 million after optimization of the inclined shaft scheme.
KeywordsInclined shaft,   Lane,   Mucking equipment,   Support structure,   Design optimization     
作者简介: 作者简介:赵立财(1985-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师,主要从事工程结构与环保领域技术研究工作,E-mail:zhaolicai@tju.edu.cn.
赵立财 1, 2 余建星 1 .长大隧道斜井快速掘进设计方案优化及工期测算[J]  现代隧道技术, 2019,V56(5): 50-57
ZHAO Licai1, 2 YU Jianxing1 .Design Optimization for the Rapid Excavation of Inclined Shaft of the Long Tunnel and Construction Period Estimation[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2019,V56(5): 50-57
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