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现代隧道技术 2019, Vol. 56 Issue (5) :19-25    DOI:
研究与探讨 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 << [an error occurred while processing this directive] | [an error occurred while processing this directive] >>
(1国家能源水电工程技术研发中心高边坡与地质灾害研究治理分中心,西安 710065; 2中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,西安 710065; 3兰州市轨道交通有限公司,兰州 730030)
Analysis on the Survey Techniques of Shield Tunnels in Sandy Pebble Stratum
(1 High Slope and Geological Hazard Research & Treatment Division of China Hydropower Technology Research and Development Center, Xi′an 710065; 2 PowerChina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited, Xi′an 710065; Lanzhou Rail Transit Corporation Limited, Lanzhou 730030)
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摘要 对富水卵石地层的勘察与评价直接影响砂卵石地层中盾构隧道施工的成败。常规的勘察和评价技术方法很难满足富水砂卵石地层盾构隧道施工的技术要求。为了解决富水砂卵石地层盾构隧道施工中遇到的因超挖引起地面沉降、隧道冒顶坍塌、大粒径和高强度漂卵石颗粒的卡塞和剧烈磨损盾构刀盘等问题,文章以兰州市轨道交通盾构隧道富水卵石层勘察评价为例,分析了该地层卵石粒径组成、漂石含量、卵石颗粒饱和单轴抗压强度和卵石颗粒石英含量等参数对盾构选型、施工及设计的影响,归纳了盾构隧道工程所需砂卵石地层参数的勘察技术和方法,提出了盾构隧道施工中漂石颗粒建议分组。对于穿越砂卵石地层的盾构隧道,在勘察过程中,应在盾构隧道沿线进行砂卵石层原位全颗粒分析试验,并针对不同深度内的卵石和漂石含量、尺寸、出现概率进行统计分析。
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严耿升 1
2 何小亮 1
2 韩金明 3 赵 爽 3 赵 成 1
Abstract: The investigation and evaluation of water-rich and sandy pebble stratum is directly related to the suc? cess and failure of shield tunnel construction, but it is difficult to meet the technical requirements of shield construction in the sandy pebble with conventional survey and evaluation methods. In order to solve the problems of ground settlement due to over-excavation, tunnel collapse, blockage caused by large-size and high-strength pebbles and over-wear of cutterhead and so on, it studied the effect of grain size compositions of sandy pebbles, quantities of boulders, saturated uniaxial compressive strengths and quartz contents of pebbles on selection, design and construction of shield machine, summarized the survey techniques and methods for obtaining relative parameters of sandy pebble stratum, proposed a way of boulder grouping based on evaluation of the shield construction of Lanzhou rail transit in water-rich sandy pebble stratum. As for the shield tunnel passing through sandy pebble stratum, in-situ full particle size analysis should be carried out along the alignment during survey, and statistical analysis should be conducted regarding the contents, sizes and occurrence probabilities of pebbles and boulders at different depths.
KeywordsShield tunnel,   Pebble stratum,   Survey technique,   Full particle size analysis,   Grain grouping     
作者简介: 作者简介:严耿升(1983-),男,工学博士,高级工程师,主要从事岩土工程方面的研究工作,E-mail: 564612367@qq.com.
严耿升 1, 2 何小亮 1, 2 韩金明 3 赵 爽 3 赵 成 1等 .盾构隧道工程中砂卵石地层勘察技术分析[J]  现代隧道技术, 2019,V56(5): 19-25
YAN Gengsheng1, 2 HE Xiaoliang1, 2 HAN Jinming3 ZHAO Shuang3 ZHAO Cheng1 etc .Analysis on the Survey Techniques of Shield Tunnels in Sandy Pebble Stratum[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2019,V56(5): 19-25
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