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现代隧道技术 2016, Vol. 53 Issue (2) :114-120    DOI:
分析与计算 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 << [an error occurred while processing this directive] | [an error occurred while processing this directive] >>
(1浙江大学建筑工程学院,杭州 310027;2浙江大学城市学院土木工程系,杭州 310015;3浙江省天然气开发有限公司,杭州 310058;4杭州络达交通市政规划设计研究院有限公司,杭州 31000
Prediction of Long-Term Settlement Caused by Subway Operation under the Influence of Initial Consolidation
(1 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027; 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015; 3Zhejiang Provincial Natural Gas Development Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, 310058; 4 Hangzhou Luoda Communications, Municipal Engineering Planning and Design Institute Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 310006)
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摘要  地铁运营引起的长期沉降包括不排水累积残余变形引起的沉降和循环孔压消散引起的固结沉降。前者基于累积塑性变形经验公式,通过地基土应力三维有限元计算模型,采用分层总和法计算求得;后者采用室内动三轴试验模拟不同固结度下孔压变化规律,通过对试验数据的拟合得到了不同固结度下杭州软土受循环荷载作用的孔压计算模型,结合太沙基一维固结理论计算固结沉降,进而得出了地铁列车循环荷载作用下的长期沉降。结果表明,残余变形引起的沉降在加载初期发展较快;循环孔压消散引起的沉降约为总沉降的30%,该比例随着固结度的提高而降低,并且此部分沉降在半年后将趋于稳定。
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Abstract: Long-term settlement caused by subway operation can be divided into settlement caused by undrained accumulated residual deformation and consolidation settlement caused by cyclic pore pressure dissipation, the former of which is obtained by the layer-wise summation method based on the empirical formula of accumulated plastic deformation and a three-dimensional finite-element model of the foundation soil stress, and the latter of which is obtained by a dynamic triaxial test that simulates pore pressure change rules under different initial consolidation degrees. Through fitting of experimental data, a pore pressure calculation model is established for the Hangzhou soft soil under different consolidation degrees and cyclic loading, and combined with the consolidation settlement calculated by one-dimensional Terzaghi consolidation theory, long-term settlement under cyclic subway traffic loading can be obtained. The results show that settlement caused by residual deformation develops rapidly at the early loading stage, settlement caused by pore pressure dissipation occupies about 30% of the total settlement, and this ratio decreases with the increase of the consolidation degree and tends to be stable after six months.
Keywords Subway tunnel,   Cyclic load,   Accumulated plastic deformation,   Initial consolidation degree,   Accumulated pore pressure dissipation,   Long-term settlement     
基金资助:基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51278463);杭州市科技计划项目(20130533B28);浙江省自然基金项目(LZ13E080002).
作者简介: 作者简介: 魏新江(1965-),男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事地下隧道施工对周边环境影响及风险控制方面的研究工作, E-mail: weixj@zucc.edu.cn.
.初始固结度影响下地铁运营引起的长期沉降预测[J]  现代隧道技术, 2016,V53(2): 114-120
.Prediction of Long-Term Settlement Caused by Subway Operation under the Influence of Initial Consolidation[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2016,V53(2): 114-120
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