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现代隧道技术 2017, Vol. 54 Issue (5) :93-100    DOI:
研究与计算 最新目录 | 下期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 << [an error occurred while processing this directive] | [an error occurred while processing this directive] >>
(1 中南大学土木工程学院,长沙 410075;2昆明理工大学建筑工程学院,昆明 650024)
Analysis of the Vibration Responses of High-Speed Railway Tunnels Based on Damage Theory
(1 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Central South University, Changsha410075; 2 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650024)
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摘要 基于Mazars损伤模型和Loland损伤模型,文章将损伤变量引入到Drucker-Prager本构模型中,构建了混凝土材料的弹塑性损伤本构关系,并在FLAC5.0二次开发平台上实现了该损伤模型的计算程序化。利用开发的损伤本构模型,对武广客运专线上某典型高速铁路隧道结构的振动响应进行了计算分析,量化了衬砌结构的动力损伤量,为高速铁路隧道结构寿命预测及结构耐久性评定奠定了基础。计算结果表明,由列车振动荷载引起的隧底沉降和洞周变形很小,均在4 mm以内;列车振动荷载对衬砌结构的不利影响主要表现为结构拉应力增加;衬砌结构的最大损伤主要集中于仰拱迎土侧;振动产生的应力波在衬砌结构内部衰减非常快,列车振动荷载只对隧道底部局部产生一定的影响。
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Abstract: Based on the known Mazars and Loland damage models, an elastic-plastic damage constitutive model for concrete is developed by introducing a damage variable to the Drucker-Prager yield function. Using the interface of the finite-difference software FLAC5.0, secondary development is carried out to program the proposed damage constitutive model. The dynamic vibration response of a high-speed railway tunnel on the Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Dedicated Line is calculated using the secondary developed damage model, which quantifies the damage of tunnel linings and lays a foundation for the analysis of fatigue lifetime prediction and a durability evaluation of highspeed railway tunnel structures. The results show that:1) the settlements at the tunnel floor and the peripheral deformations induced by the vibration load of the train are less than 4 mm; 2) the main adverse effect caused by train loading is an increase of tensile stress of the tunnel lining; 3) the maximum damage to the tunnel appears on the invert facing the surrounding soils; and 4) a vibration-induced stress wave attenuates very quickly in the tunnel lining structure and vibrations caused by train loading influence local parts of the tunnel floor.
KeywordsHigh-speed railway tunnel,   Damage constitutive model,   Vibration response,   Secondary development     


作者简介: 作者简介:黄 娟(1977-),女,博士,讲师,主要从事隧道与地下工程动力学研究工作,E-mail:154668562@qq.com.
.基于损伤理论的高速铁路隧道结构振动响应分析[J]  现代隧道技术, 2017,V54(5): 93-100
.Analysis of the Vibration Responses of High-Speed Railway Tunnels Based on Damage Theory[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2017,V54(5): 93-100
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