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现代隧道技术 2019, Vol. 56 Issue (1) :6-13    DOI:
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(1浙江大学城市学院土木工程系,杭州 310015;2浙江大学建筑工程学院,杭州 310058)
Present Status and Prospects of Research on Flexible Joint Models of Immersed Tube Tunnels
(1 Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015;2 College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058)
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摘要 沉管隧道柔性接头柔度较大,能够适应软弱河床引起的不均匀沉降,并满足抗震要求,在实际工程中应用广泛。然而,柔性接头部件繁多,作用复杂,模型建立较为困难,造成沉管隧道静力及动力分析结果不准确。文章介绍了沉管隧道管节接头类型及柔性接头基本构造,从理论计算模型和数值计算模型两方面对国内外研究现状进行了回顾总结,简述了多种柔性接头模型作用机理,分析其合理性及不足之处,并对今后柔性接头模型研究提出了建议,包括:尝试采用接头模型试验研究方法,使结果更为直观;考虑主要接头部件,添加合理初始条件,建议采用数值解对柔性接头刚度进行描述;采用多种研究方法对比分析或多种接头模型对比分析,验证接头模型的可靠性。
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Abstract: The flexible joint of an immersed tube tunnel, which has large flexibility, can adapt to the uneven settle? ment caused by soft riverbed and meet the aseismic requirements and so has been widely used in practical engineering.However, it is difficult to build a model since there are many parts for the flexible joint and the functions are complex, thus the results of static and dynamic analysis are not accurate. In this paper, the types of joints and basic structures of flexible joints of the immersed tube tunnel were introduced, relevant review and summarization of the present status of research on flexible joint models both at home and abroad were presented with respects to theoretical calculation models and numerical calculation models, the function mechanisms of various kinds of models for flexible joints were described and the rationality and disadvantages were analyzed, finally some suggestions were proposed regarding the research of flexible joint model. Specifically, the model test of joints may be taken to make the results to be more intuitive; the main joint parts were considered and reasonable initial conditions were input,the stiffness of flexible joints was described by numerical solution; the reliability of joint models was verified by contrastive analysis with various research methods or models.
KeywordsImmersed tube tunnel,   Flexible joint model,   Theoretical calculation,   Numerical simulation,   Present sta? tus and prospect     


作者简介: 作者简介:魏 纲(1977-),男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,主要从事地下隧道施工对周边环境影响及风险评估与控制等方面的研究,E-mail: weig@zucc.edu.cn.
.沉管隧道管节柔性接头模型研究现状及展望[J]  现代隧道技术, 2019,V56(1): 6-13
.Present Status and Prospects of Research on Flexible Joint Models of Immersed Tube Tunnels[J]  MODERN TUNNELLING TECHNOLOGY, 2019,V56(1): 6-13
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